This week I lost 2.8 LBS. Total lost 85.6 LBS. Bringing me down to 440.4 LBS.
All my clothes are getting very loose. I went to the Big & Tall clothing store to get more clothes. The problem I am running into right now is that I'm in between sizes right now. I had a few choices. I could get the bigger size clothes that would only fit for a short amount of time, or I could get the smaller size clothes that don't fit just yet. If I got the smaller ones I wouldn't feel comfortable. So I decided to wait until I can fit into the smaller size better. Big Guy first world problems I guess.
The past two weeks have been tough on my exercise plan. I have had to take it easy. I injured my Achilles tendon on my ankle. It hurt to put pressure and rotate my foot. Back to swimming. Even that my exercise has not been happening I still lost. That makes me very happy.
Life can be stressful when you are trying to loose weight. All the temptations that are not there when you don't care about your weight seem to surface when you want the weight to drop off. Donuts, cake, ice cream, fried food, every thing not healthy is always right there. We have got all that out of our house, but I cant control what other people do. Work had a taco & ice cream day. I avoided having some. I know how I am. If I have one I will want more. Its a horrible cycle. Its better for me to avoid the bad stuff.
My support system is still amazing and growing. Every pat on the back, way to go keep me motivated. The hardest person on my weight loss journey is myself. That is one big thing I need to change. I am very hard on myself. I want weight to just go away. I know I didn't gain the weight over night and I can't expect to lose it over night. Even if I want the weight to drop off.
I am loosing weight. I am 85 pounds lighter than I was in December 2012. I know I will hit my goals. I will be easier on myself. I will continue to eat better, to exercise, to be a better me. It will be a hard time. But I know it will happen.
Please feel free to comment. All comments are motivation for me. Share this with who ever will read and need some motivation for themselves.
The Amazing Shrinking Dude